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AJ Daley, Ph.D.

Motivational Speaker, Minister, Chaplain, Lecturer & Consultant

God can do exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...

Ephesians 3:20

Minister AJ received his early spiritual growth under the leadership and doctrine of the Church or God of Prophecy. He has been active in local youth ministry, sound ministry, men’s ministry, and outreach ministry since the age of 14. He has served as a Youth Pastor for eight years at The Hartford Family Worship Center. Under Pastor AJ's leadership, a strong youth care group/cell group fellowship, Friday night youth service, and mentoring program for career readiness to help young teens to achieve a higher education were grown and developed. For over ten years, AJ led the endeavor of spearheading several youth conferences and community outreach events that bought many youths into the fellowship and inspired youth and young adults to accept their call to ministry.


In October 2018, AJ Daley was appointed by Bishop Leroy Greenaway as the Northeast Region Youth and Transitions Ministry Director.  AJ has inspired youth leaders to receive training for outreach and online ministry. AJ traveled throughout the northeast states to preach at youth revivals, youth and teen camps, youth crusades, and youth encounters. AJ also mentored young men throughout the region on a small care group basis. He also served on the Regional Evangelism team and is currently a board of the Generation Hope Foundation nonprofit organization for the Northeast region. AJ has a heart for young people and desires to see this generation receive the baton to be the leaders of today!

AJ Prayer.jpg

AJ Daley is a Bi-vocational Senior Pastor at A.B.B.A's House Church of God of Prophecy in Washington, D.C. and has a leadership role as an IT Architectural Manager for a top consulting company. AJ Daley has a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Regent University with a focus on Ecclesiastical Leadership. AJ also has a Master's Degree in Computer Science and Networking Telecommunications from Central Connecticut State University along with a Bachelor’s in Computer Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


Dr. AJ Daley is happily married to his beautiful wife, Tashna Morris-Daley, for nine years. They met as teenagers in Sunday school and were married shortly after completing college! Through this union, they have two sons, "ELI" Antony Elisha Daley, III. and "LUKIE" Luke Antony Daley.


"It's not about how high you've jumped or how far you've climbed, how loud you shout, or how bright you shine, but it's about whether you’ve met the true and living God who can transform your life." – Dr. AJ Daley


Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership - Regent University


Trained to influence and invigorate organizations around the world as a scholar, teacher, or business leader. This doctoral program analyzes the impact of prevailing world social, cultural, religious, and political conditions and trends on leadership theory and practice and how to utilize that knowledge to help organizations to be successful. The Ecclesial Leadership focus is to give an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that the church and faith-based organizations have. 

MS in Information Technology - Central Connecticut State University


This program integrated multiple IT disciplines and provided knowledge in two core areas: Computer Science and Networking/Telecommunications. Computer Science focuses on database concepts, artificial intelligence, programming, operating system design, and high-performance computing. Networking and Telecommunications Technology covers electronic communications, microcomputers, network administration, network security, industrial operations management, and lean principles.

BS in Computer Systems & Engineering - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


This program integrated multiple engineering disciplines and provided knowledge in structural engineering, electrical engineering, network engineering, and computer science. Leadership-based training to be more effective within organizations was also taught and practiced.

Certified Chaplain


This program required the completion of coursework and training administered by the Church of God Chaplain Commission.  This certifies a licensed minister to give faith-based guidance in prisons, juveniles detention centers, hospitals, hospice care, and nursing homes.

Ministerial License (Lic# 33807) Church of God of Prophecy


The Licensure required the completion of foundational courses and attained experience necessary to receive a ministerial license within the Church of God of Prophecy organization. This also includes approval from the State and Regional Pastoral Boards, which consists of several Pastors, Ministers, and Bishops.

My Ministry Experience

Regional Technology and Communications Director
Church of God of Prophecy Mid-Atlantic Region


This role entails using the resources of the Art, Editorial, Social Media, Technology, and Graphic/Media to support the vision and mission of the Mid-Atlantic Region Church of God of Prophecy and the ministries of the regional office by providing creative and professional resources, utilizing the most effective means of communications. 

Senior Pastor
A.B.B.A's House Church of God of Prophecy


As the Senior Pastor, my role is to listen to God, follow His directives, cast clear vision, shape the culture of the church,communicate biblically sound truths, develop leaders, connect with the Community, and share the Gospel with all who will listen. 

Treasurer/Marketing & Promotions Chair
Generation Hope Foundation, Inc.



As a member of the Board of Directors, the role of the Treasurer/Marketing and Promotions chair for this non-profit organization is focused on re-developing and maintaining a campground of 92 acres of land. This project has an estimated budget of 3 million to complete the first phase of the project.

Northeast Region Youth Ministries Director
Church of God of Prophecy


The Northeast Regional Youth Director is responsible for the regional youth and young adult programs in the Northeast Region of the Church of God of Prophecy, Inc.  This includes 59 churches with a population of over 6,000 members in 7 states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont) and the island of Bermuda.  The role entails but is not limited to, planning and conducting youth conventions at every regional assembly,  organizing leadership training,  youth conferences, youth camp every summer, annual Sports Day, visiting the various churches within the region, ministering throughout the year to relieve lead pastors and developing programs such as the regional dance ministry, and managing a big brother-big sister mentoring program within the region.

Dean/CIMS State Administrator
Family Worship Center School of Ministry



This role entails organizing, coordinating, and scheduling all of the classes for the school (including student registration, payments, book purchases, grading, class sessions, grant applications, etc.).  The role also requires maintaining the School of Ministry database, which stores all of the student information.

Youth Pastor
Family Worship Center 



This role required setting the vision for the youth ministry and providing direction from year to year ensuring that it aligns with the Senior Pastor's vision.  It also entailed two core responsibilities aside from setting the vision.  The first responsibility is coordinating, planning, and delegating ministry work out to a committee of 10 people (This includes planning our youth and family conference, community outreach events, youth trips, youth services, and youth Sunday services).   The second responsibility is Preaching and delivering the Word on a monthly basis during our youth Sunday services.

Supervising Sound Engineer
Family Worship Center 



Within this role, one was responsible for the setup, management, and use of all sound, musical, and media equipment. It also required the leading of 8 audio and media ministry personnel. At the start of this role, the setup and wiring for 3 different indoor systems (2 analog systems and a digital system) were required. Every year, setup and wiring to power an outdoor system for open-air revivals and community outreach initiatives was also a requirement. In 2017, a project involved the setup of software for live streaming and recording worship services and the setup of a  digital signage system for announcements.    




My Skillsets

Leadership & Communication


Leadership: Project management, mentoring, training, vision setting and vision implementation


Communication: clear succinct writing, social media fluent,




Preaching, Orating, lecturing, developing and giving workshops, Counseling, Shut-in visitations, conducting and planning funeral services, Conducting Bible studies, conducting baptisms




Technical Skills


Sound engineering, videography, information technology, studio production




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